What is wrong with my cassette player in my 2002 Honda Accord?
What is wrong with my cassette player in my 2002 Honda Accord? - 1
What is wrong with my cassette player in my 2002 Honda Accord? - 1
I couldn't decide on which car to get and needed some opinions on which car you think is better. I wasn't sure between the 2017 honda accord touring or the 2017 acura tlx? I love both of them and have no clue which one to choose.
Where do I look to find out is my Honda accord1994 is a dx ex or lx?
I have an 2016 Honda accord and I'm upgrading everything in the car I just got a new radio instilled, dash cam, radar two car monitor for the back seat. With all this tech I just added I don't know if is to much for the car battery. I don't want to wake up to a dead car in the morning. So my question is can I installed a second battery in the car just for the tech in the car?
What the cost to replace abs sensor on a 2004 Honda accord lx coupe?
Once I got to installing the last bulb in my vanity mirror, I saw all the lights turn off & I thought it was normal since it does it after a few minutes to not waste battery, but I tried to turn them on after I installed everything & not one light will turn on. My doors are off, the map lights, done light, vanity mirror lights are all off. What happened?
It's a 2006 Honda Accord.
I got a 2000 Honda accord the radio wasn't working. I checked the fuse was blown, I go to replace it, it blew again. What would cause that?
I'm deciding between a 2013 White Nissan Altima 3.5 SL with 25k miles at about $16k out the door. My other and first choice is a 2013 Black Honda Accord EX-L V6 Coupe with about 45k on it for about $18-19k out the door. Insurance is but a $15 a month difference between the two vehicles for me so what's I'm really trying to find out is if the Honda is worth the extra money I'd spend on it for car note and insurance. Monthly payment difference is $40ish. Oh and the caveat: I either have to pay about $500 to get the Honda shipped to where I live or drive about 14 hours to go purchase it where it's located. Help please. I plan on driving whichever vehicle into the dust so it's a pretty important choice for me.
Both drivers side and passenger side switch will NOT move the window.
I have a Honda Accord 55 plate and wanted to know what is the average lifespan of these vehicles? It hasn't been serviced religiously