What is the ideal high and low A/C pressure for a 2005 Honda Accord?
What is the ideal high and low A/C pressure for a 2005 Honda Accord? - 1
What is the ideal high and low A/C pressure for a 2005 Honda Accord? - 1
I listed out all the problems the car had which was back right mirror not working, car shakes for the first 10 seconds after starting, old brakes and tires, transmission fluid needs to be replace, and also it hard to change gears.
He even test drove the car and said it was fine and that he will replace and fix everything if I give him a good price. ($5,800 after negotiating)
He texted 3 weeks later and said that the car was apparently to much to fix and that the transmission had to be rebuilt or swap or something. He wants $5,000 back.
Added (1). What do?
My Honda Accord getting its full rear brakes replaced how long will it take at a auto repair shop - 1
Is there a way to adjust the Camber on the back wheels of a 1997 Honda Accord? - 1
I have a 1998 Honda accord lx 4 cylinder. I may have put 8.00 dollars of diesel in my gas tank. Now its stalling and smoking - 1
Compression is as follows:
c1 dry- 20 wet 45
c2 dry 40 wet 40
c3 dry - 30 wet 30
c4 dry - 60 wet 60
cooling system held pressure 11 lb psi 20 plus minutes so no crack head, head gasket issue etc.
the car was accidentally ran without any oil (no oil light on). Car overheated when a hose exploded and coolant leaked out. Temp was red hot, i pull over immediately to cool engine. What coolant was left in the car looked normal. I did not check the oil. Next day drove the car up a tow truck ramp; it started just fine with no odd sounds, etc - ran was ran for 10 sec maybe. When i checked the car at home it had no oil, not one drop came out during the oil change. The car would not start/stalled. It turned over and almost started once. The pistons smoothly move and push forcefully, but the car low compression.
Did driving up the ramp for 10 seconds without blow my engine or is it normal for a car to start once and not again after severely over heating?
Compression is as follows:
c1 dry- 20 wet 45
c2 dry 40 wet 40
c3 dry - 30 wet 30
c4 dry - 60 wet 60
the car was accidentally ran without any oil (no oil light on). Car overheated when a hose exploded and coolant leaked out. Temp was red hot, i pull over immediately to cool engine. What coolant was left in the car looked normal. I did not check the oil. Next day drove the car up a tow truck ramp; it started just fine with no odd sounds, etc - ran was ran for 10 sec maybe. When i checked the car at home it had no oil, not one drop came out during the oil change. The car would not start/stalled. It turned over and almost started once. The pistons smoothly move and push forcefully, but the car low compression.
Did driving up the ramp for 10 seconds without blow my engine or is it normal for a car to start once and not again after severely over heating?
There's so much I would like to know. I would like to buy a car for work. I'm willing to finance. But I know nothing about the process and I don't want to be taken advantage of by dealers. I looked on autorader.com and saw a Honda Accord 2008 model with 120,000km and it is being sold for $9,000. Do I just send a message to the dealer that I would like to buy the car and then follow up from there or do I try to negotiate a lower price? Also, how do I go about getting a loan from the bank or should I just do it all through the dealer? I make $2000 dollars a month. My only expenses are rent which cost $450 a month and groceries which cost $400 a month. So I would have at least a $1000 dollars left a month and I live in Canada.
I have a 99 Honda accord EX 4 cylinder, I know I'm suppose to let the car warm up before driving so i usually let it warm up for a minute or 2 and start driving. But every once in a while when i slow down or stop, and then push the gas pedal to continue driving it shuts off. And sometimes when I slow down or stop, the car rumbles a bit and shuts off. So i have to put it on park in the middle of the street and start it up again. I'm not sure what's wrong with it. The battery is only a couple months old, the alternator is about 3 years old. I don't know what else it could be. Please help if you have any ideas about what is could be.
So, my passenger side mirror is hanging loose. It can be put back into place. After inspecting it, it looks like glue could possibly put it back into place? I have provided pictures.
What do you all think? Went to get it looked at, and I was told it would cost me anywhere between $300-$400, plus labor to replace. Want to see if there are other options.
There are no electrical problems to move the mirror, nothing severely damaged at all. Just need to buy the glass and stick it back on. But as far as the part, can gluing this solve everything? What glue do any of you recommend? Unless any car experts out there have any other advices?