Should i buy an oem honda part or is it worth the risk to buy aftermarket?
I need a vehicle speed sensor for my 94 accord and i noticed aftermarket prices for this part are much cheaper but is it worth the risk or should I buy the "dorman" part?
I need a vehicle speed sensor for my 94 accord and i noticed aftermarket prices for this part are much cheaper but is it worth the risk or should I buy the "dorman" part?
I'm taking a business trip 2 hours away to Alabama… The expenses will be reimbursed… How do I track mileage? I drive a Honda Accord, if that makes a difference.
I'm looking to buy this Accord for $6500. It's a 2008 model with 220,000 km on it. The other cars with lower km cost much more. Should I just save more and buy a better car with lower miles?
When changing both cv joints in a Honda accord what else should she change? - 1
I accidentally put some diesel fuel in my car. It's a 2012 Honda Accord sedan with a 4-cylinder engine.
I had pumped about two gallons of diesel fuel into my car's gas tank when I realized what I was doing and stopped. I then filled the rest of the tank with nine gallons of regular unleaded gas.
To be on the safe side, I had my car towed to a garage where the mechanic was able to drain the diesel fuel and clean out the engine, gas tank and gas lines, and the fuel pump. He said that diesel fuel is one of the worst things you can put in your car. Will my car be permanently damaged and if so, how? Or did I overreact?
I owned a 2007 Honda Accord and the having problems with my suspension. I replaced a motor mount and it still shakes. Dealer says I need to have my rear control arms replace. Can rear control arms cause the wheel to vibrate?
I'm a broke 17-year-old high school student. I recently was involved in a fender bender where I was at fault. The guy I hit was driving a brand new 2017 Honda Accord. I hit his bumper, leaving small dents but disordered the position of his bumper As well. He's in process of getting an estimate from a body shop I directed to. The car I was driving in, under my dads name was uninsured but we live in NH where it's not illegal to have an uninsured vehicle. I'm currently unemployed but plan on getting a job and have about $200 in my savings. I don't want my dad to worry about paying for me so I will work to pay off. Without having enough money to pay out of pocket up from, what should I do about payments? Is it possible to ask and pay monthly? Suggestions?
I just bought a 2003 Honda Accord. The radio works perfect except CD player. When I press the CD/Aux button, load or eject Is does NOTHING. When I try to insert a cd it does nothing it. I even tried using the mode button on steering when it won't even go to cd it just changed radio stations when I press it. I pulled out the fuse to check that but it's perfect no burns etc. I put the code in still nothing. What could this be? How Can I fix this without having to buy a whole new radio?
Which car would you choose as a first car to buy if you're a first time car buyer: Honda Civic, Honda Accord, Mazda 6, or Chevrolet Equinox?