Fan fuse causes drain on battery?

This mystery continues. The latest diagnosis is that there's a fuse, maybe blue in color and the car owner told me it was blue. When th is fuse is removed or put back in there's a fan that comes on when the engine is not running. I thought we had established that this fan auto comes on to cool the engine that has been turned off. A thermostat causes the fan to turn off. The car owner swears that one day the car started. Then the next day it would not and AAA and one other person think it is some fuse. The car is being towed to the same mechanic it visited last month. I personally know that the battery is not fully charged and only 385cca. These people are trying to cure a battery drain with a battery that is not fully charged. My idea which is not being accepted is to take the damn battery to Autozone for a free overnight charge to get the battery which is less than a year old to be as close to one hundred per cent as possible. Then monitor these out of nowhere the car won't start. 1990 Honda Accord. This suspected fuse related drawn downs only started this year the car has been in the hands of this owner for 15 years.
They keep getting AAA to replace batteries. No one should need a new battery every year. Who has an idea about this fuse and fan diagnosis

Dealership wrecked my car what should I do?

I dropped my 2005 Honda Accord off at the Dealership to fix the "Check Engine" light--found out that the light just needed to be reset.
But then, in the process of fixing the light the Dealership wrecked my car. They gave me a rental car and replaced my bumper.
I did not take pictures of the damages but asked to have pictures sent to my email --just wanted the bumper repaired because according to the Dealership that was the only damage. (Dealership gave me $60 off my $250 bill) :(
But now… 2 weeks later I notice that near the bottom on my door are 3 outward dings like they had to push out a dent; also, the rubber piece that goes along the door, above the "dings", was painted black with a small "paint brush" trying to cover the white paint that was also on my bumper when it was hit.
What should be my next step and what should I request as compensation? Should I start with asking for the paper work and pictures sent to the insurance co and the collision company? What about compensation?

Added (1). The Dealership wrecked my car and lied about how much damage was done, what should I do?

Information about car insurance

I'm from New York and I want some information about car insurance. So my dad has liability insurance, he pays around $900 a year.instead of paying every month he pays it for the whole year at once… Every month that would be like i guess $75… Anyways i want to finance a car… I'm thinking about the honda accord sport either 2015 or 2016.i've seen some with 30-40k miles… Now can my dad list me under his insurance? If he does do i have to pay monthly for my own car? Or dad still pays the 900 a year… Or will i be required to get full coverage? I don't want full coverage… I can't afford full coverage at the moment. I can only afford the payment for the car every month which would be maybe 250 or 300… Can anyone help me out and tell me what i should do?

97 honda accord 4 cyclinder vtec over heating?

My 97 accord keeps over heating. Due to other issues just about the only thing under the hood that isn't new is the motor and transmission. Ill drive the car and nothing happens. Ill come home and the next day ill drive it and park for a few hours and go back out to drive it and it starts overheating when i'm stopped at a redlight. But as soon as i start driving again it goes back down to normal. But that only happens if i drive it the next day. If the car sits for atleast a day it doant happen but if i drive it the next day it qill ovwrheat.