Why does my car keep turning off while driving?

I drive a 2002 Honda Accord coupe 6 cylinder & lately it's been turning off while I'm driving. The car just turns off & I always have to end up pulling over. When the car turns off, all the lights on the dash turn on including the TCS lights, brake light, door open lights, etc. When I try to start it back up it just tries to but doesn't. I usually wait about 5 minutes & it ll start again but it's been happening way more often now.

1994 honda accord cooling fan for radiator won't turn on when car is off?

Last week I realized my cooling fan for my radiator stopped doing so, not even because I missed the noise, but because I got close to the hood and and it was very hot. So that's when I realized that I have not heard that noise (cooling fan) for a few days now. I'm not experiencing any over heating at all so it might not be extremely urgent but I'm still worried. I'm no expert when it comes to fixing cars but I can only assume this is not normal and that it could start causing some problems in the near future. I tried checking the fuses on the hood and none of them looked dead and I specifically looked at the ones related to the fans.

Why does my 94 Honda Accord cooling fan only operate when the car is turned off?

The temperature gauge is fluctuating into the high temp area when the car is idling or in stop/go traffic. When I drive, the temp cools down. I've installed a new thermostat and performed a radiator flush and refill. Looking under the hood at idle, the radiator cooling fan does NOT come on as the engine temp increases, but DOES come on after I turn the ignition off. Are we talking a faulty temperature coolant sensor here? Why does the fan come on only after the engine is off?

IMPORTANT: The fan DOES operate (along with the compressor fan) when the A/C is turned on, and that seem to cool the engine down.

Did Honda accords have a recall for transmission?

I have a 1998 Honda accord Lx and my transmission recently just died. What i wanted to know is did honda have a recall on accords my year, because my friend told me they did but i'm not sure what i should do. This car is used by the way.

What's this scraping noise from the driver side front wheel

The car is a 2012 honda accord lx i4 with 70k miles. There has been a scraping noise coming from my front driver side tire that has been super annoying. The noise stops almost completely when braking. My brakes and rotors were a little worn so I went ahead and put all new brakes and rotors on all 4 wheels bled the system and a new caliper on the problem wheel since the old caliper's rubber boot was torn. The dust shield looked a little bent so I assumed that might be the problem so I bent it back into place but still to no avail. This noise came after I had my tires rotated and balanced could the wheel weights be the culprit? I'm seriously frustrated. Also it doesn't sound like a bad bearing I know that noise pretty well since my last Honda had one go out.

2001 honda accord v6 replace timing belt or no?

2001 honda accord v6… I replaced it once at like 120k… Now my car has 254,000 miles.honda is asking $1000 to replace it and water pump. But i don't think its worth that much, should i, what are the chances of it breaking? And yes sometimes i do put the accelerator to the floor and drive hard

Do I really have to pay full tax again if I register out of state car in Georgia?

I recently moved to Georgia from Michigan due to a job. I have 2016 honda accord ex and I bought this car in Michigan(financed since last October). From what I heard, my friend told me I have to pay full tax again if I want to register this car in GA while some please online say I only need to pay the difference. Which is true? I used tax calculator and if it's a full tax I have to pay, it's going to be like $2500 or something which I can't afford.