Why are both fans in my 98 Honda Accord not turning on?

So I changed the radiator, radiator fan, thermostat and water pump from my car. I noticed it was overheating so when I opened my hood (WITH THE CAR ON) I realized that BOTH of my fans are not working. I tried turning on the A.C and the fan still did not turn on, its not moving, neither one of the fans are turned on and everything is plugged in correctly because after I changed all the parts I saw them turn on perfectly well. What do you think could be the reason as to why BOTH fans do not want to turn on? Please Help ME! I'm not a mechanic but I know about cars and this situation is driving me bonkers!

By the way I have a 98 Honda Accord LX 4 cylinder (Manual)

I just brought a 2001 honda accord almost two months ago.The same day after I brought it the transmission started jumping in first gear

The next day I called him back the car dealership and told him so he tells me to bring in back in and we will look at it.So a couple days later I take to to him and I leave it there for a couple hours and he tells me nothing wrong with that's how older honda drive.Ok so i'm like maybe that's right.Them a week passes by the check engine light came on so i take it to the auto parts store to get the codes it comes back as the neutral safety switch.So i call the dealer ship and tell him and he tells me to go to a mechanic shop and if it is the safety switch he said he will pay for the part.So i was like ok great.So maybe two weeks pass by the shifting is getting more jumping so i decided to take it to aamco transmission and they drive it and tell me right away the tranny is going out needs to be rebuilt.Ugh i was so mad. 2,500 hundred to rebuild it.So i call the salesmen and tell him. Now he changed the whole story about helping me and trying to get me into another vehicle now he wants more money from me to get me into another vehicle now. I'm not giving him no more I already have him 2,000 down for the car plus the first payment. The car is jumping really bad now. What should I tell him. I know i brought the car as is. But dam he should help me out.

For a first car does it save money to a buy a used or new car in the long run?

I've been debating with a friend that some used cars are cheaper than new cars in the ling run like my dads old honda is 15 years old and runs fine being 250,000 mileage whereas buying a new car might save money on insurance but even with less maintenance the monthly rent makes it cost more. I was thinking of buying a Honda accord 1990 and using it until i could get a S2000. For the example is it cheaper to get a honda accord 1990 or a new honda accord,(also what about a new honda civic coupe type r as well)

Honda 1991 accord need to know if my crank shaft turns or works properly?

I'm a big time beginner so if I sound stupid please forgive me anyway. I was driving and belts ripped off I think what caused the entire situation was my power steering pulley I needed to replace it, it was really bad had the whole squeaky noise thing goin lol, but I figured I had more time… Well any way while car was running I was hearing a lot of grinding so I pulled over and saw all my belts were really wobbly I thought I could make it home but both the belts ripped on the way there. Which lead to my car dieng.so after I got the car towed home I noticed my harmonic balancer was almost all the way out and bolt was the only thing keeping it on which came out rather easily so I guess it's gotten lose over time? The key was stuck on the shaft… So right now I want to see if my crank shaft turns i don't know exactly how to do it cus I don't even know what the crank shaft is for.( I was told to make sure my engine can still crank if that makes any sense, before going out and buying parts?) Also i need to find out what caused this or if my power steering idea was the cause of everything…

What type of car should I get?

Okay I have a barely working Honda Accord and I graduate soon. This summer I'm going to try and sell my Accord and get a job as well to save up for a car I want. I'm thinking either a jeep or a Mini Cooper which one should I go with and which one would you guys think is better looking, lasts longer

Which manual transmission should I use?

I drive an 04 Honda Accord 5 speed with 212,000 miles. What difference will it make if I use an oil other than Honda gear oil. Some people on various Honda forums recommend Amsoil or Synchromesh or others. I just replaced it yesterday with Pennzoil Synchromesh, but my mechanic expressed concern about this. What is your experience, and what do you recommend?

Hard to start car when it's hot?

Need some help finding a problem, my 94 Honda Accord 4 cyl runs good until it cuts off for running for a while (happens sometimes) but what really sucks is if I go somewhere over a 30 min drive I turn the car off and it's hard to start again until it's cooled down? Crank sensor maybe?

Buying used car: Engine has paint around oil cap/dipstick?

Looked at a 2011 Honda Accord Euro today from a dealer, not many Kms, only 60,000. Everything seems in good condition. But on inspecting the engine, I noticed there had been pink paint applied around the oil cap and oil dip-stick. I asked the dealer why it was there and he seemed baffled, he said maybe the previous owner had applied it to clearly show his girlfriend where the oil went Pfft.
Everything else with the car seems fine, took it for a decent 10min test drive and didn't notice anything. Have no clue why someone would spray paint those areas.
If you look in the photos of the engine bay you can see paint on the cap.