Having car troubles.
My car is a 2000 Honda Accord V6
1) Revving while parked
2) Idling at 2k rpm when stopped at lights
3) Much louder than normal when stopped
4) Revs when down shifting to (I think) 1st gear (its automatic) when i'm going to stop
5) Hard to brake/brake sounds like its kind of grinding when I stop and when i go again
6) Temperature gauge was higher than normal
7) When i stopped the car and opened hood the engine felt very hot, and was smelling
8) Check engine light came on (It is late at night so I haven't been able to bring it in to place to get code)
9) It sounds like air flow is not quite right
What i checked-
1) Oil level/color is good
2) Coolant level is good
3) Brakes got changed not long ago
4) Oil got changed not long ago
What i've been able to narrow the problems to being down to-
1) Vacuum leak (pretty sure on this because air flow sounds screwed up when listening to it
2) IAC valve issue
3) EGR valve issue
4) (Maybe) coolant problem (although levels are good?)
I won't even pretend to be a big car person, but I have enough common sense/physics knowledge to figure out what i listed above. I plan on bringing It in to a place by me at 9am (its 2am right now) and want to have an idea of what it could be so I don't get ripped off. Any answers by then would be great.
Added (1). Another symptom i forgot about - It seems to be/feel like its accelerating on its own as i drive (no cruise control is not on durrr)