What causes 2008 Honda accord not to pick up speed when pressing the gas?
What causes 2008 Honda accord not to pick up speed when pressing the gas? - 1
What causes 2008 Honda accord not to pick up speed when pressing the gas? - 1
The 2006 Mazda 3 or 2004 Honda Accord sedan?
Also what is the 0-60 time for a Mazda 3 I touring w/Manual? It claims to be 9 sec but it feels faster than that to me(depending on how the car is launched).
2007 Honda Accord, 2006 Mazda 3 or 2005 scion tc
A Honda Accord Hybrid is $7000 more expensive than a regular Accord.
Added (1). Is it going to help you save lots of money?
I've got a 1993 Honda Accord 2.2L L4 with 201k miles. Burns absolutely zero oil, perfect engine compression, silky smooth and quiet, but has some oil leakage. Instead of running recommended 5w30 oil, would it be acceptable to run 5w20 or 0w20 + Bar's Stop Leak (gasket seal) to prevent oil leakage? My car leaks a crap-ton of oil (up to a quart every 400 miles) - except with stop leak, in which case it leaks zero. I need the stop leak to prevent massive oil leakage, and can't fix the gaskets themselves right now. Would 0w20 (plus additive) be better than 5w30 to prevent the oil weight from going too high?
2006 Mazda 3, 1998 accord or 2009 Honda Civic?
The Mazda has 145 hp with 132 ft lbs of torque with a 5 speed manual.
The accord has 200 hp with 195 ft lbs of torque.
It may seem obvious but t considering the Mazda is MUCH lighter, more agile and equipped with a manual, could it outrun a 02 accord if it were being chased by an angry driver? Which car has better handling between the two?
Honda Accord Warm Start Problem? - 1
Added (1). My 2000 Honda Accord (V6)'s, engine will quickly sputter out and die when I start it from a warm start. If the engine is giving a couple of hours or so to cool down completely or if I start it quickly after it has been running for a while there's no problem. The engine will not fire evenly and quickly stall unless I get it into gear and drive for a while.
My 2000 Honda Accord (V6)'s, engine will quickly sputter out and die when I start it from a warm start. If the engine is giving a couple of hours or so to cool down completely or if I start it quickly after it has been running for a while there's no problem. The engine will not fire evenly and quickly stall unless I get it into gear and drive for a while.
Was looking to post it on craigslist and buy a new one after. I have no job super broke so wanted to make money off of it and get a new one in the process