How will a honda 300ex do driving in the sand dunes?
Looking to purchase my first quad for myself and kinda have set my sights on a Honda 300ex. I'm tight on money so can't get anything new or pricy but have been looking at yamaha warriors and Honda 300ex but I heard that Honda's are the better riding quad but the warrior has more power. I know a warrior can handle the sand dunes fine even without paddle tires. I took a 250 Suzuki ozark to the dunes and it had a lot of trouble getting up to speed and moving around and buried itself a lot but I had no paddle tires on it. I heard a Honda 300ex is just a amped up 250 Honda so I'm worried it will not perform in the sand dunes as well. Has anyone had experience in the sand dunes with Honda 300ex? And does paddle tires make a big difference?