What are some things i can do to my 2012 honda accored to give it more horse power?

My car is weak, it does alright with just me in the car but it needs more power so i can carry passangers and things in the trunk with out losing so much power. I enjoy driving fast and all though i know i don't have a race car or anything i enjoy upgrades because its more rewarding to customize a car then to buy it already done. I've already added a cold air intake but it only added like 15 to my HP and i was looking to bump it up about 150 more. My car is currently at 155 and i think 305 would be satisfying to me plus give me the pick up i need when i have passangers. I do enjoy a more throaty sound and the cold air intake made it sound more so, i'm bot going to rice it out but i would enjoy hearing my engine more.

Explain X in use of our world today?

I see usage of X almost universal these days what are your views on the use of this letter and why?

X chevy logo
X saturn logo
X honda logo
X iorn chef
X jesus cross

Unknown hole in a Isuzu rodeo?

Above my license plate there's an unknown hole on my Honda Passport/Isuzu Rodeo it's a 2002. If anyone has this year or a similar year I want to know what supposed to go here. I was looking for a place to install a backup camera, what was supposed to be here I might just put the backup camera there. It's not letting me post a picture but it's directly above the license plate about in the middle. On the underside of the lip it's not visible when you're looking at the car straight on you have to be looking up from the license plate at eye level.

Why doesn't my car restart after I turn it off?

I drive a 1996 Honda Prelude Si 2.3L. When I drive my car over 30 miles or more and park. When I try to restart the car it starts up and dies immediately. I usually have to leave it alone for about an hour or so and then it starts up again. Took it to 3 mechanics. 1st mechanic diagnosed it as a bad ECM. 2nd said it might be the ignition switch. 3rd said it was the distributor. I properly installed a rebuilt distributor from Auto Zone and the car still dies after driving for a while. If its not the distributor then what else could it be? In order of most likely to least likely

Should I replace speakers and headunit in car before I sell it?

I have a Honda S2000 and I'm thinking of selling it soon. There speakers are blown, the aftermarket head unit is worn and finicky, there's an amp in the trunk, and the fob for the alarm needs reprogrammed. Should I replace the stock head unit and put some cheap speakers in or should I just leave it as is? I don't know if fixing the stuff would make a huge difference on the price I'd receive