How long does it take for a small nail to effect my car tire?

Its a Honda Accord and a few days ago I noticed I ran over a small nail in the parking lot. Its literally the smallest nail you could find and it went all the way in the tire. I'm wondering if its dangerous to drive with it in there? Because its been a few days and its still not even losing any air still because I guess the top of the nail plugged the hole?

Honda Accord Idle Problems After Cleaning Throttle Body?

I clean the throttle body with a throttle body and intake cleaner. I had someone hold the gas pedal while the gently cleaned inside with a toothbrush.

After i put everything back together the car's idle is jumping around.

It idles around 700-800 then slowly drops down, the fans go off. Then the idle raises again when the fans are back on. Also when i change gears from parking to reverse, or parking to drive, the car jolts a bit. When the steering wheel is turned in park, the revs go up a little bit. What is going on?

2001 Honda Accord Ex V6

Throttle body cleaning causes idle issues (2001 Honda Accord)?

I just cleaned the throttle body with a tb/intake cleaner spray. Put everything back together. When i start the car is goes up to 1500rpm, then idles at 750rpm. Then it slowly goes down a couple hundred rpms, till the radiator fans are off for about 20 seconds. Then the fans come back and the revs jumps back up. This keeps happening over and over while the car is running.

Anybody know what i can do?

What is a good first car? - 1

Ok so recently I've been looking into cars and trying to figure out which ones are best to get as a first car. I'm 19 and have been driving since I was 14 so I'm not that inexperienced. I looked into mpg, price of maintenance, reliability, style ( I care a lot about this one seeing as how I'm going to finance and I want to make sure it's something slick if I'm paying 300-400 dollars a month lol). I have narrowed it down to these cars: Ford Mustang v6, Honda Accord coupe v6, and Nissan Altima coupe 3.5. Any detailed comparison between these cars, personal opinions/experiences, or other cars to consider would be much help!

2016 Honda Accord Ex-L i4 or Ex-L V6?

So I'm getting a new car soon, but can't seem to decide which to go with. My boyfriend and dad both say to go with the 4-cylinder but, since right now I drive a Toyota Camry V6, I feel as if getting a 4 cylinder will be a set back. I really like the acceleration of my current car, gas is ehh not too bad, and want my next car to be similar. I've never owned a 4 cylinder so I don't know if it ll be to my liking. Should I just stick to what I'm used to and get the V6? Or will the 4 cylinder have enough power to where it's not much of a difference? Also if there's a difference in longevity between the 2 that d be great to know. This might be dumb to ask but I'm just not familiar with 4 cylinders except with my moms 2002 honda accord which has mechanical problems.

Can installing a new relay go wrong?

95 Honda Accord ex coupe stopped turning on recently, I decided to replace the relay, now it won't even crank and makes a slow humming sound. The new relay makes slow clicking sounds and the radio doesn't work now. I don't know what to do. Could it be the relay?

Added (1). Here is my video of what I'm talking about.

Transmission whining at 4th and 5th gear?

I have a 2012 honda accord 49500 miles. I bought it brand new but when it reached to 49500. The transmision automatic act weird. When i drive on freeway. At 4th and 5 th gear start humming a lot. And i checked transmision fluid when engine off and hot. It is in the middle between cold and hot. Is it normal the tranny whine at 4th and 5th gear. It whinning around 55-60 mph after that the noise go away

My parent buying me a car before I get my license? - 1

I'm 17. I'm eligible to get my license October 9th and my birthday is December 9th. I was looking for cars even though I have a couple more weeks but to get myself prepared, to learn more about the responsibility of having one, the cost and insurance. I'm not looking for anything expensive or brand new because I'm paying for my car all by myself just for 2 months. I have 2 jobs and a senior in high school but I love it.
Anyways. I came across a 2000 Honda Accord and a 2002 Toyota Corolla from which I believe they are calling my name! Haha! Btw I will check out the cars in person and already found out the historys. But I wanted to buy it as soon as I can before anyone claims it. My dad is my legal guardian and has custody of me. He wants me to get a car and my license so bad because of me having 2 jobs and he's always too busy so he'll pay someone to take me to work sometimes. So he couldnt wait til my birthday. I was wondering if he could purchase the car and then when I get my license or when I'm 18, it could be in my name or my name on something? He actually doesn't know the answer to this question for a minor (BTW I'm not buying it in cash, I'm financing) but please help! I need more info!

How much hp has my car gained?

I got a question, just curious, I have a 06 automatic honda accord v4, and I'm wondering about how much hp my car has gained from the mods, I have kn intake, DC sport headers, Megan exhaust system, Megan test pipe. The reason I ask is because I have two friends, one with a g35 03 stick shift 250+ hp and the other with a 04 BMW 3.30ci 225hp, and the BMW, I take him out and the g35 barely beats me, so I'm just curios as to why and how much hp could my car possible have gained, it took my friends and I by surprise what my car has don't sometimes