98 Honda Accord Problem. What is wrong with my car?

I just bought a 98 Honda accord a couple of months ago. It is a 4 cylinder. When I test drove it it was fine. But about 20 miles later the car started losing power. When I accelerate it takes a very long time to get up to speed. When I'm sitting at a stop sign or a light the car idles very low. Sometimes when I'm sitting at a light or stop sign the car will just die out of nowhere. It starts back up fine no problems with that. What can cause my car to not accelerate like it should and die randomly? I don't know what is wrong with it. A couple people that I talk too said I need to replace the distributor. Does that sound about right? Someone please help me.

Comparison between these 2 coupes for me of costs?

I'm 17 going into my senior year and my parents will be getting me a car, they let me choose and they know that i like coupes. I'm a dude and i like sporty coupe cars just how i'm and almost any other dude will as well. I've came down to the 2014 honda accord coupe base model lx-s (automatic transmission) and the 2014 chevy camaro base model 1lt (automatic as well). Would the insurance be the same since both cars are coupes or would it differ? My parents will do the payments for the first few months and i will have to get a job and take over they said. I have always been a camaro fan. I'm not looking for fuel efficiency here because everyone would know the honda would take that medal. But I'm not concerned of that a car is a car to me and i want something I've always liked. Main question is if the insurance rates would differ for any reason?

Any shade tree mechanics want to weigh in on this? Concerning a 1992 Honda Accord LX?

Vehicle was slightly flooded, water did not reach seats nor dash, but it set 'closed up' for days before the dealer got to it for repairs. Now onto the current problem

The Honda runs great but the engine had a grinding noise… The radio and clock didn't work.took back to the dealer. They said its on the same wire as the AC compressor and that that is going out. This morning before i took it back to the dealer. I seen the clock showing. But when i turned the AC on it disappeared (I figured the compressor is pulling an excessive current when it's engaged leaving the clock unable to operate) but how could this effect the radio?

i think they are trying to get out of fixing the radio… BECAUSE they cleared it with my insurance that the radio was ok BUT they didn't even have the face plate in order to see if it was working.

In a 1992 Honda Accord LX is the radio wire in any way connected to the AC compressor?

In a 1992 Honda Accord LX is the radio wire in any way connected to the AC compressor?

Added (1). Vehicle was slightly flooded, water did not reach seats nor dash, but it set 'closed up' for days before the dealer got to it for repairs. Now onto the current problem

The Honda runs great but the engine had a grinding noise… The radio and clock didn't work.took back to the dealer. They said its on the same wire as the AC compressor and that that is going out. This morning before i took it back to the dealer. I seen the clock showing. But when i turned the AC on it disappeared (I figured th

Added (2). (I figured the compressor is pulling an excessive current when it's engaged leaving the clock unable to operate) but how could this effect the radio?

i think they are trying to get out of fixing the radio… BECAUSE they cleared it with my insurance that the radio was ok BUT they didn't even have the face plate in order to see if it was working.

Why is my car getting stuck in park?

I drive a 1999 Honda Accord that has had a "sticky park" for the past few days. Sometimes I can't compress the silver button that releases the shifter. There are times when it only takes a few attempts to press it in to get on my way, and other times it actually takes a good few minutes just sitting in the car trying different angles and compression forces on my brake pedal. However, it always eventually shifts.

I found out today that it is not just limited to when I turn my car on--I was dropping a friend off so I turned on my emergency lights and parked quickly at the side of the street. The friend was in and out and I thought I would be too, but after parking it for the friend to leave I was stuck trying to get it OUT of park for at least a minute.

It appeared to start last week when I had a warning light pop up for my brake lights (or at least that's when I started noticing it). The brake lights would only show up sometimes when I would press the brake pedal. The next morning when I went to check my car, there was no warning light and it appeared to work fine and I haven't seen a warning light since. I'm wondering if they're connected somehow? Maybe the car isn't registering that the brake pedal is actually down which is why it will only let me shift sometimes?

Can anyone tell me what is happening to my car to make it do that, and the best way to fix it please? Your help is appreciated!

Car idle high when starting up, in park and neutral position?

I have a 2008 honda accord lx-s 148000 miles that has been idling high for awhile now no engine light what are all the possibilities? It idles around 2000rpm at first then slowly works it way down to normal idling but will jump back up once I put it back in park

Spark plug wires popped off?

I have a 97 Honda Accord LX Coupe and When I was driving i noticed my temperature gauge started rising so i puled off the road and opened my hood and found that 2 of my spark plug wires had popped off and when they popped off there was oil splats like oil had splatted out of the cylinders when the spark plug wires had popped off. What's causing this? What should i look into to replacing?

My 94 Accord has idle problems?

I replaced the intake manifold gasket yesterday on my Honda and it has been giving me idle problems. Can't figure it out for the life of me. The idle jumps to 4000 rpm and back down. I moved the plugs around and the same thing happens. The iacv and ficv are all cleaned, should i replace them and see what happens? I think the map sensor might be acting up too