Why does my car run out of gas extremely fast?

I own a 02 Honda accord and the last time I took it for an oil change, I flushed the radiator, transmission and new air filter. Lately my gas runs out extremely fast to the point where the other day I had half a tank and within maybe 2 or less hours, I was on E with the light on. The car is not leaking gas. Also my car accelerates slow, especially up hill.

What would cause my 92 honda accord ex to suddenly shut off and then not start again while I was idiling?

Just the other night I pulled up and parked in front of my place the engine was running as I was looking for something in the the glove box and then the engine just shut off… I tried starting it again and it would not start. The next morning I went out it started right up ran for 15 seconds then it shut off and has not started again… This car has always started up like a champ and I have never had trouble with it idling and shutting off before…
3 weeks ago I had the oz sensor replaced.Wondering if that could have anything to do with the current problem… Hoping it is not the fuel pump. Since I've had the car I was told that if I kept the gas tank above half a tank that my fuel pump should never be a problem… Also when I try to start the car and pump the pedal you can smell gas… Just trying to give you as much info as I can that might help… Any sound advice would be Greatly Appreciated!

Should i buy a 2 owner Honda with 245,000 miles?

It's a Honda accord ex 4 cylinder 2002 in really good condition except for some sun fading on the trunk. It has 245,000 miles mostly freeway who knows if its true but i think it is. No mechanical problems and service records from dealer and auto shop. Owner was asking 3500 but i got it down to 3000 do you guys think its worth it? Stick shift btw Clean title tooShould i buy a 2 owner Honda with 245,000 miles

My car was hit by a green car but has white scratch on it. Why?

I have a black Honda accord. Recently someone trying to park in the spot next to me scratched it. She was driving a green van. She is claiming that there was white paint in my car before.

Her insurance company said they are going to investigate. I don't know what to do I think my car had a white primer on it but how can I confirm that. I tried calling Honda but they did not give me any information.

How can I prove that my car was not hit before and the white marks are from her hitting my car.