I had a mechanic act rather surprised that virtually every major component *under the hood* of my 95 accord sedan EX automatic is factory original. This includes the timing belt, alternator, and virtually everything else. It has 190,000 miles on it.
The only complaint I have about my car is that it feels like I have to press too hard on the brake at slow speeds, and the steering feels a bit "goosey" or "loose" at highway speeds. Although, neither of these problems are severe, maybe I'm noticing things too much since I'm used to driving a new Camry?
I would like to be able to drive my car another 100k miles if possible. What is a list of everything that should be replaced and done to my car?
Added (1). I'd also like to be able to take this car on some long road trips without worrying about it breaking down. What all should be replaced or updated?