Honda Civic vs Subaru Outback for a first car?

Both would be around the year 2006 and 2008, I like the ouback because it's ap safe, reliable, and lasts long I woild probably travel not a ton but a good amount, are the outbacks really as safe, reliable, and good as they say? And what about the civics? I don't like those as much because they are smaller do I don't see how they are that safe but maybe they are good

Why does my car vibrate alot at start up & at idle?

I have a 2008 Honda Civic & it vibrates ALOT when I start it in the morning (avg & when at idle at a stop light. It vibrates less when running, but it comes back when I stop at a red light. It vibrates a bit more when it's on PARK. I would like to know a list (as much as you know) of all the this that can cause it to vibrate, thanks.

Just a quick question, would changing spark plugs really help reduce alot of vibrations, or just a little?

Also, so you know how much it vibrates, when I leave a bottle of water in the cup holder, it creates medium/large water ripples.

What should I expect when not taking my 2015 Honda Civic for an oil change?

Unfortunately, I've been really busy and haven't taken my car to get an oil change. The display message is saying that I'm passed due 500 miles. So far it's a brand new car and I'm at almost 7,000 miles. This weekend I have to drive from philly to Washington. Should I be concerned about my safety when driving on the highway because I didn't change my oil yet? The closest day available to change it was after this weekend coming up.

Are Honda cars most likely to get chopped if stolen?

Today my sibling's Honda civic was stolen. We called the cops and they did a report, but did not really seem all that interested in finding the car. How likely is it that the Honda will be "chopped" for parts?

Added (1). its a 99' si

Any guesses as to why this car won't start?

2006 Honda Civic - we installed a new battery and replaced the starter with a remanufactured one from Auto Zone. After that, not even the lights would come on when turning the keys in the ignition. We took the starter back to Auto Zone, and they found there was a crack in it, and gave us another one, which we installed. But the car still won't start. Is it fuses? Alternator? Voltage regulator? Should we try something else, or just take it to a repair shop.