How Much Is My 2000 Honda Civic Worth?

Okay so, someone gave me this used car that visually looks fine but has some mechanical issues. The previous owner took the car to get it looked at and they told her it needed everything that it says in the picture.

so here are my questions:
* how much would all the things in the picture add up to?
* how much is the car worth without fixing? Just how it is now.
*and how much is a 2000 Honda Civic in perfect condition worth?

any help or advice would be really appreciated.

I'd like answers from real mechanics or people who have experience in cars? How Much Is My 2000 Honda Civic Worth - 1

Can I take the tire shop to small claims court? Do I have a case?

On 8/24/15, I took my car to get the tires changed. Upon my return an hour later, I found out that my car was involved in an accident. Even though my car was in the shop lot, an employee took the car (before doing a tire change) a 1/4 mile down the road where he was hit as he was trying to do a u-turn on the 2-way avenue. The shop did not collect any information from the tow company and I had to ask the officer on scene for a case number. The tire shop promptly got me to a rental car and said they would take care of it.

The next day I got a call from the appraiser attempting to schedule an appointment to see the car at my residence. I didn't know where my car was. I called both the tire shop and their claims department to ask where my car was and both directed me to contact the police department. Why? I wasn't responsible for the accident. I eventually located my car. I'm sure this is only the beginning of a very unreasonable tire company.

My car may be totaled and their claims made it very clear that they will only pay what's necessary. I made a request over the phone with their claims department for additional compensation for damaging my car and wasted time doing THEIR job. I was denied. The handling of this entire situation is extremely poor.

Location: America's Tires
My car: 2006 Honda Civic SI (80k miles)

Can I bring this to small claims? If so, when and what parties should be involved?

Buying a used car, was accepted for one car but not the other?

I went to a dealership and tried to finance a Mazda3 2012 for 13.5k, but the salesperson said he couldn't get the bank to approve that car. He then went to show me another car that he said the bank approved. This other car was a Honda civic 2011 for 13k. He also said that I have higher chance to finance a Honda, Toyota or Nissan. I want to know if banks prefer one Make over the other, or if the guy is screwing with me to buy a specific car. Note that he said he will check to see again in 2 days after telling me that I couldn't finance the Mazda and I refused to buy the Honda.

Is it hard to learn manual transmission?

I'm 18, been driving a 2004 Honda civic that was auto since I was 17. My dad is getting me the 2008 Nissan 350z nismo and the car that's specifically chosen is a manual. I'm super confused on how to drive manual. Advice please?

Is a 465$ a lot for a car payment + insurance?

I'm looking into the 2014 Honda civic Si and this is around what I would pay. If I'm 21 and working at least 40 hours a week will I be able to pay it off? I make about 12.75 an hour

Best Honda Civic for mods?

I'm looking to get a Civic 2001-2005 but I don't know which would be the best to modify so that I can get the most hp out of it

America's Tire Co. Wrecked my car. Advice and steps?

I went to get the tires changed on my car (2006 Honda Civic SI). Pretty straight forward, wouldn't you say so? Long story short, the tire guy bringing the car in was hit by another car. The driver side was hit and the air bags deployed. The damage looked pretty extensive. The manager and assistant manager assured me they were going to care of it. A claim was given to their claims office. After talking to the claims guy, he says if worse comes to worse, they'll pay me the value of the car.

Here's were I have some problems:
The KBB of my car is about $7.5k. I'm assuming that if the car is totaled, that's what they'll give me. Now I have to search for car and there's way more expenses involved in that. I have a feeling it's not going to be enough. Is there any advice or any certain steps I should take for the situation to be more in my favor?

I get my tires changed, they wrecked my car and pay me an insufficient amount of cash? That doesn't roll with me. They've severely inconvenienced me and I don't think a normal payout (like any other insurance would do) would suffice.