Honda shadow aero 750 tips and advices?

I'm new into motorcycles, and i bought a 2009 Honda shadow aero 750, i wanted to know some tips and advises in maintenance and general walk around just to get me used to the bike

Honda 2007 CBR125R motorcycle Fuel Injected Or Carbuerated?

Hi, My Partner is getting a 2007 CBR125R from the dealer this week. Its Got a Choke and so must be Carb'd…

But EVERYWHERE i read, the 2007 Model is Fuel injected? What the hell's going on here?

Thanks in Advance

Added (1). FYI, the Dealer Says its Carb Aswell. Wikipedia states only up to the 2006 model is Carb.

Added (2). Ok, now the Dealer is talking about how it could possible be a late register. And it may infact be an 06, but hes not budging on the price.

Scorpion or Akrapovic Exhaust for my Honda CBR 125 R 2011?

I own a Honda CBR125R 2011. I've been riding for about 4 months now because I turned 17 end of last August.

I'm not satisfied by the stock exhaust that came with my Honda so I want a change. Both the Scorpion and Akrapovic exhausts look slick. But, what about the sound and they produce? Also, what about the added horsepower (thinking about my legal limits)?

I don't know enough about motorcycles yet to make my own educated decision about which brand would be better (I'm not even sure if I'm comparing the right two, meaning if there's any other brand I should consider with these two). I just want some advice on what I should look out for and consider.

Non biker looking for advice on a 30 mile round commute on a 125cc?

I start university later this year and I want to start planning everything about it. I will be staying at home, at least for the first year, and I live roughly 15 miles from the campus. I live right next to a train station so I could use that, but I want to independence that comes with my own vehicle, and since I can't afford a car it would have to be a bike. I was wondering if a scooter would be suffiecient, or if I'd have to get a proper bike instead? The honda pcx 125 is mighty tempting and is just about affordable for me (with a little help from the student loan). I've done research though and people seem to be saying scooters won't do, and you'd need a proper bike. I will be on rural roads for most of the journey, with a bit of town riding at either end. Do you think I'll be able to make do with a 125 scooter or will I have to get a proper bike?

Can a motorcycle key be remade without the original?

I own a 1975 Honda CB 125s and I lost my key. As I only had one, there's no other key that the new can be based off of. I do have a few places I'm looking for the old key, but figured I'd prepare for the worst.