Fuel filter leaking after replacement?

I have a 1996 Honda Accord, the fuel filter was dirty so my boyfriend decided to change it. Now sometimes the gas sprays or leaks in the new filter also leaking from the washers as well. We used a flare wrench and tried tightening it for hours. Put the old fuel filter on and it still does it, and old washers and still does it. What could possibly be causing this? Really don't have the money to go to a mechanic

Problems with my Honda Accord?

I currently have a 1996 Honda Accord that my friends and I are working on because it came with a little bit of problems. The blinkers were one of those problems because one of them wasn't working due to no working front signals. We already put in new fuses and bulbs and it still didn't work. As of today the radio and now the only working blinker isn't. The hazard lights do still work however. What could be the problem? I already plan on going to a mechanic but don't have the money

Best way to reduce road noise in car?

I drive an 06' honda accord. That car has been in the family since my first day of kindergarten & will be mine when i graduate next june. AND, it only 86,000 miles so it's got A LOT of life left in it for me. I just can't bare with the loud road noise, as it would give me headaches. I looked into sound proofing but i don't feel comfortable tearing apart the carpet just to put padding on it. Is there anything else i could do?

Why will my 2002 Honda Accord not shift into park?

I can literally shift it into the park position, but it's not acting like it is in park. Even when I have it "shifted" to park, I can't start the car. I can only start it in Neutral.
When it is in the park position, the park light doesn't come on, and I can easily shift it down to reverse or neutral without having to press and hold the button. What could be wrong?

Anybody having issues with the steering wheel on their new 2018 Honda Accord?

Whenever I go past 50 mph the steering wheel feels as if it's sticking. Almost as if their were some gum or a weak magnet holding it in place. You have to do a very small jerk to get it moving again but once you let it go it get stuck again. It's very annoying and something I wouldn't expect to have on a car of this new.

Added (1). I'm trying to contact the sales rep at some honda dealerships right now but nobody is answering. They might be on a very early and long lunch break. Hmm…

Car taking off real slow?

I have a 2002 Honda Accord, so Tues when i went to work everytime i make a complete stop at a light or stop sign my car would take off real slow real hesitate to accelerate but once it kick into gear it drove just fine. So after i got off it was driving back jist fine no slow take offs or nothing btw it's been raining cats and dogs all week i don't know if that would help or not with my question. What do you think the problem is i thought maybe the transmission oil was low but i checked it and it was fine.