I'm going to be getting new speakers for my car. I will be replacing my 6 1/2 and my 6 x 9s in my '99 Honda Accord LX. I have found these speakers:
6 1/2 Kickers (40CS654): http://www.crutchfield.com/p_2064CS654/Kicker-40CS654.html?tp=95
6 x 9 Kickers (41DSC6934): http://www.crutchfield.com/p_20641D6934/Kicker-41DSC6934.html?i=20641D6934&tp=64038#customer-reviews-tab
Now this is my very first time buying speakers. I will be running these speakers along side a Sony MEX-N5000BT stereo. I was about to purchase all three items when i realized, that the 6 1/2 speakers are 2-way speakers, and that the 6 x 9 speakers are 3-way. My question is, will these two be able to interact without an issue? Or will i need to adjust one or the other? Please let me know, and keep in mind this is my first time dealing with and modifying my car speakers so use words that a non-audiophile can understand.