Today I pulled into my work parking lot. My car started having white smoke come from the engine. My radiator hose was leaking coolant through a very small slit in the hose which cause to squirt all over my engine to cause it to steam white smoke. I then looked at my coolant and it was filled with what looks like oil and some milky substance that looks like mocha. I later opened the radiator cap and found that the milky mocha substance was very think and in my radiator. I had no symptoms of anything going wrong. My car was not over heating. But could it be that there's a leak in the pressure system, so that my gauge wouldn't warn me? There are no transmission problems. I bought it two weeks ago from a private party, ie Craigslist. For 3200. It is a 2001 Honda Accord. 4 cylinder, vtec 160000 miles.
Do I have a blown head gasket?