Honda Accord making awful sound when driving it?

Honda Accord making awful sound when driving it?

Added (1). Hi I have an 08 Honda wondering what this sound can be it coming from what i hear from the front end of my car it sound like when a metal is hitting another sound really bad in the morning when it hasn't warm up but only does it when i drive other than that it does it really do it that often. I recently got my back brakes down mayb like a week ago but beside that i don't know how this sound came about. I know i need to get it taken to a mechanic but since ima girl i don't wanna

Added (2). get scammed into fixing other things that arent and end up getting overcharged

Added (3). get scammed into fixing other things that arent and end up getting overcharged

What should I spend on my first used car?

I'm buying my first car and I have $4,500 to use as a down payment. I'm going through a credit union to get a loan for the rest. In order to get a loan the car has to be at least a 2008 and can have no more than $80,000 miles on it. I've been looking at 4 door Honda Civics and Honda Accords. But I don't know if I should pay a little more and get an EX or save as much as possible and go for the LX. And I'm not completely sure what my total budget should be.
I make at least $700 per month if not more and I only have about $100 in bills every month if that tells you anything.

So, what should I make my car budget?

Added (1). didn't mean to put $ in front of the 80,000 haha

Added (2). I actually do have credit. I'm 21 and I have what is considered to be a great credit score. Plus, my mother is going to co-sign for me and her credit is excellent. I already talked to someone about the loan and was approved a few months ago, but I decided to wait until I saved more for a down payment.

First time driving 5 hours alone, advice please?

I'm 18 years old driving from Fayetteville, NC to Atlanta, GA. I have a 2005 Honda Accord that works great (literally only needed to get air in my tires then it maintenanced once before). The drive is 5 1/2 hours. I have a GPS along with AAA but I still can't help but worry because I've never drove this far alone. The most I do is drive around the city to be honest.

Any advice?

Honda accord 2008. Motor oil?

I've been using honda oil 5w-20 but my car is burning oil now, my muffler tip is black, which oil should I use now? Would amsoil or royal purple 10w-30 be a good idea?

We're having a dispute with our neighbors about a garage door. What can we do about it?

Us and our neighbors garages are right next to each other separated by two wall their's on their side and our's on our side. My brother drive a little honda accord and he is the only one that parks in it. He left around the ten in the morning and around five in the afternoon our neighbors knocked on our door saying that someone had crashed into our wall inside the garage and their wall had fallen somewhat apart. Their wall is wood upfront dry wood behind it with 4x4. Our wall is old very thin old wood. Pieces of wood, dry wall, and a 4x4 fell. Our wall just had a crack going up and down. First they said it was the car, my brother brought the car back there was no damage to his car. Then police got involved and started saying someone kicked it. They're blaming us, but shouldn't there be more damage to our wall since basically we had to get through our wall to get to their's? Another neighbor who works construction said that a kick couldn't break a 4x4. We're being blamed for something we didn't do, what can we do about this situation. We have said we're going to fix our wall and they can fix their's and now threatening to take us to court. Any suggestions?