Can you get out of a car lease early due to a change in life, but willing to finance from same car company?

I having been leasing Honda's since 2006. I just leased a 2013 Honda Accord in January 2013. I took a 39 month lease. Well… I'm pregnant with twins and would like a slightly bigger car. I absolutely love my Honda Accord, but unfortunately the trunk is probably only big enough for the stroller. I'm willing to lease and/or finance another Honda. Will I have to pay big time fees? Any advice would be helpful!

My car was hit by a green car but has white scratch on it. Why? - 1

I babe a black honda accord. Recently someone trying to park in the spot next to me scratched it. She was driving a gene van. She is claiming thAt there was white paint in my car before.

Her insurance company said they are going to investigate. I don't know what to do I think my car had a white primer on it but how can I confirm that. I tried calling honda but they did not give me any information.

How can I prove that my car was not hit before and the white marks are from her hitting my car.

Where do I even start? Fixing scratched paint on my red Honda Accord Coupe?

So my coworker pranked me by putting a stupid sticker that he printed on the back of my car. Then it was removed with a dish-washing sponge with dish detergent. I know, the dumbest thing I ever heard.

Anyways, I have no idea where to even begin to fix it. It just looks like a dull spot, I'm not sure if it's considered as a "base-coat/primer scratch" or "clear-coat scratch". What kind of kit should I buy to help me get started on attempting to fix this myself? (will add picture soon!)

Added (1). I already know the color code (R-94)

Would an alignment help this issue?

So I just bought a car Friday. It's a 1996 honda accord coupe. My front left (drivers side) tire seems to be pushed back a bit. Like closer to the back of the wheel well rather than the center. The car pulls to the left as well so I'm sure I need an alignment but what would cause my tire to be pushed so far back and not in the center of the wheel well like the other wheels?

It seems like if it were pushed back maybe 2 inches or so it would be rubbing the plastic in the wheel well.

Car AC low pressure too high, drained it but still not working?

So I have a 2002 Honda Accord and I haven't used the ac in a year. It wasn't working so I figured it just needed to be recharged since it was so long. I got the recharge kit and when I messured the low port pressure, it was 110 psi. I drained the pressure by pressing it with a screwdriver and then filled it to 45 psi but it's still not working. What could be the problem? I can't take it to a mechanic so I don't want to hear that. What's the next step I can take to fixing this? How can I find out what the problem is so I can figure out what to do?

Is the Advance AutoParts guy confused about my battery installation?

I have a 2001 Honda Accord EX. About two weeks ago, the battery died and I got AAA to give me a jump. The AAA guy said I probably need a new battery. So I go to Advance Auto Parts today. The Advance guy does a test first and finds my battery is fine, but needs to be charged. I decide to just get a new battery since I'm not sure how old this one is (I'm the second owner). After hooking something up to the inside of my car for 5 minutes, then disappearing inside for another 10, then Advance guy comes out and tells me he can't change the battery because there's an alarm on my car and disconnecting the battery will erase all the codes. He says that if he did replace the battery, the car won't turn on and nothing will work. He told me to go to my dealership for a new battery.

I had my battery die two weeks prior and did have to punch in my radio code once it was jumped, but the car still turned on. Is there a second code I should be aware of? Or was the Advance guy just very confused?

I really don't want to go to the dealership, so if there are multiple codes, I'd like to find out how to find them. Like I said, I have my radio code.

Can i use any radio for my 96 honda accord?

I'm trying to update the radio in my 96 honda, i know nothing about cars. Do i beed to buy a specific radio with a specific input or do all radios use the same inputs. And if there's ANY thing else i should know please speak.