What's a 2000 v6 honda accord coupe worth?
Someone wants $3,500 for his
147,000 miles on it exterior/interior is in excellent condition has years of receipts from being well maintained engine is quient as can be no knocking. What you guys think
Someone wants $3,500 for his
147,000 miles on it exterior/interior is in excellent condition has years of receipts from being well maintained engine is quient as can be no knocking. What you guys think
I'm selling my old car. I want to sell it at a fair price, but I have no idea what range it'll fall in. Kelly blue book only goes to 94, and this car is a 91, so I wasn't able to look that up.
Here it is:
1991 Honda Accord
AC doesn't work (it blows cold air sometimes, but I just assume tell them it doesn't work)
Possible transmission issues (an "S" light came on, was told it indicates something with the transmission)
It starts overheating in 20min
Steering issues (kind of pulls to one side slightly)
Looks great. New paint, tint, no body damage, sparkles on the outside, very nice looking on the inside too
Runs good and has been reliable
Good on gas
What do you think?
I put a paper towel around the intake than washed my car after i opened it it was half soaked. How can i stop it from getting wet
I have a Honda Accord and want to know which is better, a Tiger Paw Touring or Cooper
Ok I have a 2001 Honda Accord LX 2.3 engine, and when I turn on the AC it blows air, but it's not cold its just mild air not hot either. What are possible solutions to this?
My check engine light won't cone on on my 1998 honda accord what's wrong?
I recently moved from NYC to the suburbs of Long Island for medical school and it seems a car is absolutely necessary to get anywhere. I have a license but limited driving experience and want a car that will last me at least 5 years without any mechanical issues. I would need to drive at least 10 to 20 miles everyday for school purposes so I want something that's reliable so that I don't have to worry about it.
My dad is offering to give me his 2001 Honda Accord LX sedan since he's getting a new car. It has around 135000 miles on it, has been in no accidents, but I would probably get a paint job for it if I'm going to drive it.
My mom suggests that I trade it in and purchase a newer 2nd hand car from a dealer. My budget is limited to around $10k. If I do this though, I would probably try to look for a Honda Civic.
Is it worth it to trade in the 2001 Accord and get a newer civic model? I just want a car that's reliable enough so that I won't have to constantly worry about breakdowns. Also, where would be the best place to look for used cars with good credentials?
How long does it take to change the breaks on a 98 Honda Accord lx (rotors, pads)?
Added (1). Auto correct issues aside please.
1999 Honda Accord EX 2 Door Coupe
Just recently I have had a problem with my car where it will not come out of being locked in park. When I press on the break, it sounds like someone is letting air out of an air mattress. After fooling with it a couple minutes, it will let me move it into drive and work just fine. What is wrong with it? I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it, but it had been very hot lately.
I have 09 honda accord
and i've noticed that my car struggles when i accelerate while having my AC on.
is this normal?
Added (1). Struggle as in. It would go up to like 3-4 gear (? I don't know what that's called.) but my car would take FOREVER to speed up
Added (2). i don't know anything about cars.