Right side of my 1994 Honda accord hood doesn't shut all the way?
The left side closes perfectly but the right side seems to not want to close all the way even after spraying Wd40 on the latch, mechanical help please.
The left side closes perfectly but the right side seems to not want to close all the way even after spraying Wd40 on the latch, mechanical help please.
Battery is good, starter is good, just changed the ignition switch, changed battery cables still nothing, I can hear the feul pump engaging when I hit the switch and when I continue to try n crank it, help please this is my daily driver.
1998 honda accord
I bought a can of frion and the guy said if the pressure is at max while the car is running with ac on max then the lines are clogged and it will do no good to add frion. Low and behold the pressure was max. So what is the likely cause of this, the orifice tube or what? How can I fix it myself?
I'm selling my old car. I want to sell it at a fair price, but I have no idea what range it'll fall in. Kelly blue book only goes to 94, and this car is a 91, so I wasn't able to look that up.
Here it is:
1991 Honda Accord
AC doesn't work (it blows cold air sometimes, but I just assume tell them it doesn't work)
Possible transmission issues (an "S" light came on, was told it indicates something with the transmission)
It starts overheating in 20min
Steering issues (kind of pulls to one side slightly)
2 out of the 4 windows don't roll down
Looks great. New paint, tint, no body damage, sparkles on the outside, very nice looking on the inside too
Runs good and has been reliable
What do you think?
I'm wondering because i have 2 friends who own v6 cars and they say that they put almost $36 dollars to fill up their cars with gas. Shouldn't it take more than $45 dollars for the v6 to fuel them up and less than $40 dollars for 4cyl cars to fill them up. Maybe i should get my self a v6 intstead of having my 4cyl
I have a 96 Honda Accord that has a pinhole in one of my rear break lines. How much would the part be to replace the line, and how long would it take a mechanic to fix it? I prefer to shop locally, so I would like to go to a mom and pop repair shop. What would be a reasonable estimate to replace just the faulty line, and what would be reasonable it I just replaced both back lines, just in case?
So I have recently purchased a honda accord 1998. It has lots of mods to it and I'm fine with them except the exhaust. It's way too loud and annoying. I don't have much money since I just bought a house as well and I'm paying to get work done to it. I'm looking to spend maybe 250 on a quieter exhaust. Any suggestions?
Well my friend bought me a 98 Honda accord. I told them I wanted stick, but they insisted automatic because I "race" so they got me a 98 Honda with only 53 k on it believe it or not. I really has no say so it choice of car because they where paying for me. It has a VTEC engine once I popped the hood, the car is slightly modded and would love to have it as a manual trans but how much would it run me? And is it worth it? It probably not worth it but still would like to no the price and other peoples opinions.
I want to install it mysel but i have no idea what kit o buy oreven if it will fitt?!
I have a 1999 honda accord manual with 185, xxx miles. When i'm driving and at a stop light waiting, i take my foot off the clutch and i hear like a blowing sound. When i push the clutch down it stops then when i take my foot off it blows again. I don't here the noise when i'm driving and i'm not pushing the clutch down, what could it be please help?