I have a 2004 Honda Accord V6. About a month ago while driving down the road it felt at though I had slipped my car out of gear into neutral, my rpms were revving up but I had no power. I took it to the mechanic and he said tranny rebuild. And so we did. I got the car back about 2 weeks ago and on my way home from the shop the shifting of the tranny was not smooth. It jerked me every time I changed gears and when taking off from a stop it sometimes acted as through it was never going to change. I took it back to the shop and he plugged it up to the machine, even though the check engine light was not on and he told me that it threw a bad solenoid code. I left the car with him for it to be replaced. I picked it up a few days later and he told me that it still wasn't shifting as smoothly as he would like, but that he thought that the valves were sticking? And that he had put a pint of something into the transmission and for me to drive it and he thought the performance would improve as it was driven. Now it's been driven over 250 miles and I'm still having problems. A couple of days ago I was at a complete stop pulling out of a parking lot. When i tried to accelerate, I had to get up to 2000 rpms before the car would even begin to roll, then when the jerked hard down into 2nd, the check engine light, the TCS light, a triangle with a! Inside of it came on, and the green dot beside drive was flashing. I turned the car off and all lights went off but check engine.code P0746.