One pay auto lease with no income?
Helove everyone, hoping to get some good advice from auto finance experts.
I'm a college student with no income and I need a car, I have about 6000 in cash maybe a little more. So I have looked into used cars and while there are very many options, they are mostly higher mileage and over 10 years old. Some of the cars are decent and would be acceptable but I thought of another option.
What about a one pay lease? I could have a brand new car for 3 years for the same price as a used car that's 10 years old. (obviously I'm talking about low end cars, like Honda civic or fit) I did talk to a sales rep today at Honda, unfortunately the finance guy wasn't in yet, he said I could probably buy a car with that much down if my credit was good enough even though I have no income, is this correct?
OK so my main question is: can I do a one pay lease with no income?
Also I do know the risks involved with a one pay lease so I'm not really interested in that aspect, just need info on the income stuff for the one pay and regular financing.