Does a distributor Rotor come with the Distributor?

I'm buying a new Distributor. And i'm just doing my research to see if i'm getting all the parts i need. Here is the part i'm buying. Now i know next to nothing about cars. But i know by getting this Distributor i will be getting a whole new Distributor cap with it. But i don't know if the rotor is something that comes inside with said Distributor or if i will have to but it separately. Could anyone let me know if those pieces come together? Thank you!

Added (1). I won't be putting it in myself. I just need to know if i will have all the parts needed is all. Or if i will have to buy the rotor separately

Should I buy a 2003 Honda Accord with a swapped engine?

Saw an ad on craigslist about a 2003 Honda Accord for about $2950. I was interested so I went and saw it. The car has 247,000 miles on it but the broker tells me the engine has been replaced and the new engine has 75K miles on it. Sounds fishy or is it just me? Plus the intake tube was wrapped in plastic and passenger side mirror doesnot work. I'm not the biggest car person but I really like this car and it drives nice. What do you guys think? Should I get it or no?

What are some good cars for $12,000?

I'm looking for buy a car for around 12k. I want a sedan but I don't know what kind. I was looking at a 2013 Nissan Altima or a 2010 Honda Accord but I'm not sure yet. I want a car that will have heated seats for Marylands winters. Can anyone list some cars that would be good.

2002 Accord with dashboard lights flickering, cruise control stopped working and radio cutting out?

I have a 2002 Honda Accord and the dashboard lights have started flickering, the radio is cutting in and out and the cruise control has stopped working. I'm getting the alternator tested after work, but suspect it isn't the problem as I had a new one installed a year and half ago along with a new battery. The problem seems to be worse when the AC is running, but happens regardless. The gauges don't seem to be affected.

Is this some sort of fraud and can i sue?

Just bought my first car on craigslist. I bought 2001 honda accord that was listed at 3500 118k miles passed smog and no problems and i did everything wrong and got screwed. The guy who originaly sold me the car didn't mention he didn't have the pink nor was it under his name and the tags and registration were expired. He talked me into taking it for 2k and i could give him the rest when we changed ownership and renewed tags and registration the next day.In less than a day the check engine and TCS light came on We met today at cal ez auto registration waited for the original title holder and signed the transfer of ownership on the title. We couldnt get the tags reg and title due to a system malfunction they said they would have to get it from the dmv and i could pick it up tommorow with the title. The original owner works at a dealership which the title was under but kept insisting he was just there to change the title. I checked carfax and the last logged millage is 159k but is still a clean title the original seller doesn't have his name on anything but the smog check. My eyes are on the original title holder who works at a dealership. I only gave 2k still have the car and the title has been transferred under my name.

Are BMW's really better then Toyota and Honda?

My dad drives Toyota. Two actually. A 2001 and a 2010 model. My sister used to have a 2001 model, but she was involved in an accident which totalled her car so now she drives a 2009 corolla. My dad bought every car himself.

My cousins, on the other hand, drives BMWs. He drives a 3 series and a 7 series. He is a mechanic, so he has driven a lot of cars and tells me that he highly recommends BMW. Like I said, he drives BMWs, he bought his wife one as well, he says they last him a lifetime, they are strong, reliable, and you works perfectly fine. And said if I drive a Japanese car on a windy day, the wind will bow the car around. Btw, insurance is cheaper for BMWs in my province as they have a stronger body than Japanese cars. Well according to an insurance agent I spoke too.

My dad says they are the best cars, but he takes his cars to the shop for service or repair every month.

Added (1). BTW my dad refers to Toyota being the best cars.