My dad drives Toyota. Two actually. A 2001 and a 2010 model. My sister used to have a 2001 model, but she was involved in an accident which totalled her car so now she drives a 2009 corolla. My dad bought every car himself.
My cousins, on the other hand, drives BMWs. He drives a 3 series and a 7 series. He is a mechanic, so he has driven a lot of cars and tells me that he highly recommends BMW. Like I said, he drives BMWs, he bought his wife one as well, he says they last him a lifetime, they are strong, reliable, and you works perfectly fine. And said if I drive a Japanese car on a windy day, the wind will bow the car around. Btw, insurance is cheaper for BMWs in my province as they have a stronger body than Japanese cars. Well according to an insurance agent I spoke too.
My dad says they are the best cars, but he takes his cars to the shop for service or repair every month.
Added (1). BTW my dad refers to Toyota being the best cars.