What do you think about this deal?

It's a honda accord with 127K miles on it it's from 1997, he's selling it for 2,500$, he says the car is well maintained it does run well, and it looks good. I'm probably going to a mechanic anyway
but what do you think?

How much gas millage does a 2014 Honda Accord Sport get while in Sports Mode?

I recently bought a 2014 Honda Accord Sport. It's a front wheel drive, four cylinder engine. The base horsepower is 189. However, when the Accord is placed into sports mode, it gains an extra four horsepower making it 193 horsepower. When driving in the regular driving mode the Accord get twentity-six highway, thrity-four highway and a combine twentity-nine. I was wondering what gas millage the Accord gets when placed in sport mode? With the extra horsepower does it get lower or stay the same?

How to get super cheap car insurance?

To make a long story short we've paid £2000 with Mother as main driver and me (her son) as a named driver on a 2005 Honda Accord Sport CDT-I Diesel. It's hardly a Rolls-Royce!

I was hoping to buy a new car and get my own insurance but the insurance on our family car is eye-watering if i got it for myself with quotes around £3300.

I guess i will have to put off buying a nice new car until i'm more insurance friendly but how do i do this?

I've been a named driver on my mothers policy for 12 years, I'm a teacher at a local school which takes me under 10 mins and 1.2 miles to get to. I had one accident the year I passed and not a single scratch on any vehicle i've ever driven since including work vans, company cars and have never had a driving conviction of any sort.

I'm an internationally experienced driver and if i can survive Indian/Pakistani roads and the Swiss Alps then why can't they just give me an advanced test or something and bring down my car insurance. I know I'm ranting but I just don't want to extorted and the frustration of having to share a car with family at 30 is humiliating.

How do I make myself super insurable?

92 Honda Accord LX dies while driving?

After the car died i tried to start it and it would crank but not turn over. I left it alone and came back out the next morning, and it started right up for about 5 min then died again. I have replaced the ignition coil pack, distributor rotor, fuel pump, and plugs and wires. Can someone please help me i'm tired of trying things ans them not working.

2014 Honda Accord Hybrid VS 2014 Kia Optima Hybrid - Lease or Buy?

I'm thinking about purchasing a hybrid car but want to know which was is more reliable and worth the price. The Accord Hybrid is $29,500 to $35,500 and the Kia Optima Hybrid is $26,500 to $31,400. I will be putting over 5,000 miles a month and was considering maybe leasing than buying at the end of the lease to just save some money on payments for a couple years. Does that sound better to do or just straight buy the car?

1996 honda accord takes a few times to start after warmed up?

SO I JUST BOUGHY THIS CAR, and it ran fine then just a week ago it started not wanting to start after I drive it for awhile and warm up the engine. It literally gives me no response when I try to start it but all the electrical stuff lights up there's no check engine light. It usually takes 2 to 3 times but today it took me 5 tries to get it started its like the ignition doesn't recognize my key or something. It doesn't crank over or make any sound at all.

Will my overfilled transmission damage my Honda?

We overfilled the transmission fluid about one 1/4 quart of honda synthetic transmission fluid with a little tiny bit of Lucas stop leak. The guy at the auto shop said it was overfilled 1/4 quart of fluid. It's about a centimeter over the top fill line.

Will this damage the car? Is it ok to drive? Is there any way to get a vacula tube or some pump and pull it out. Is there a drain plug on the bottom?

2006 Honda Accord 160K

94 Honda accord misfiring?

I drive my car every day about 50 miles a day. Recently it has giving me all kinds of problems. Misfiring, choking. The engine starts fine, but when it starts a normal idle that is when it will shake like crazy. People gave me all kinds of advices.

I have change.

Plug Wires
Distributor Cups
Rotor Button
Air Filter
Cleaned Throttle Position sensor
Cleaned the EGR valve, remove all gunks and debris around it

Still no fix, Check out this video, this is how it sounds like

Honda Accord 2014 or Hyundai Sonata 2015?

I really like the Hyundai Sonata 2015, but what to make sure it is worth my buck. Everything on the internet that I have found comparison to both is confusing me, other sites will say Honda others will say Hyundai… But what do you guys think?