Shock Out, Which is the best replacement?

I have a 2000 Honda accord and I put some 17 inch rims on it with some good tires on it. They are not very low profile so when I hit a bump it hits the fender. I have rolled and flared the front and started on the back. Anyways to get to the point. My shock on my rear passenger side is out completely and the only thing holding that side is the spring. I'm looking to get some new ones all the way around because why by just one or just the back, might as well go all the way around. I know Eibach is really good but expensive. What is a good brand of shocks i should get I can rely on and that is not way to pricey? I will most likely order them. I want the Eibach but the cheapest thing i can find is about 600 and that comes with the lowering springs. I'm just afraid if i get the lowering springs, my tires will ride the fender and tear them up. I would get new tires as well but the ones i have now are about 70 percent tread and id like to use them up before getting lower profile tires. So I just want to go with the shocks for now. Then later the tires and then lowering the car a little.

Car started, but timing belt was broken, or so I thought?

I'm puzzled and can't decide on what to do. I have 1997 Honda Accord V6, and last night it would not start, and was showing symptoms of a broken timing belt. However, I was stubborn and tried starting it a couple different times over the course of 24 hours, and as I was getting ready to tow it, the tow truck arrived, and I tried starting it one more time, and voila the car started and the engine shook like crazy for a couple of seconds. After letting it run I decided to take it for a drive and it does not seem any different. So I'm on here looking for advice:

1. What do you think happened?
2. Should I tow it?

*Sidenote, I know what a broken timing belt sounds like and the symptoms were the exact same thing.

Any advice is very appreciated.

Car shaking when brake applied at >70mph?

I have a Honda Accord 2010. Today while driving on the highway I experienced vibrations when I applied the brake @ 70mph. I didn't brake hard but it was just to slow down the speed a bit. I could feel vibrations in the steering wheel and there was some sound coming. Even my friend sitting next to me felt the vibrations. I tried the same when the car was at 60mph and couldn't feel a thing. My tires have worn out and need to be changed. Can that be a reason for this issue or is this something else. Would like to mention it has 64Kmiles on it right now.

Best car of out all these?

Mercedes-Benz: c-class
Volkswagen: Golf Gti
Cadillac: ?
Chrysler 300c
Lexus: ES300
Mazda: 6
Infinity G35
seat Leon FR
Chvrolet Lumina
Dodge Charger
Honda Accord

Added (1). These are all the cars that i can afford
i'm asking on everything wise
maintaniance, petrol, reliability allot
in you guys or girls experience which one is the best

Car shaking when brake applied at >70mph? - 1

I have a Honda Accord 2010. Today while driving on the highway I experienced vibrations when I applied the brake @ 70mph. I didn't brake hard but it was just to slow down the speed a bit. I could feel vibrations in the steering wheel and there was some sound coming. Even my friend sitting next to me felt the vibrations. I tried the same when the car was at 60mph and couldn't feel a thing. My tires have worn out and need to be changed. Can that be a reason for this issue or is this something else. I love my car and right now I'm not being able to sleep at night.

Added (1). Would like to mention it has 64Kmiles on it right now.

Will my car rust if I don't fix something?

I hit another one of my cars in my driveway backing up and the other car was fine but it caused a small dent in my rear bumper and caused the panel that connects to the bumper about a foot away from the gas tank to disconnect from the car slightly by a few millimeters. I don't have the money to fix it right now. It has been raining a lot lately and I'm wondering if I don't fix it will it cause rust. The car is a 2010 honda accord.

Why is my catalytic converter smoking?

1993 Honda Accord LX (F22a1) 4AT

At idle the car is about 1500 rpm cold all the way up until warm. But at idle it vibrates a little, with the air on idle drops to 500rpm and the car shakes violently. Also my dizzy is leaking oil. Every so often the engine has a sputter or misfire. Light light pinging noise. I'm sure it's out of time. My ignition anyway.

I smell gas when the car is off and after driving it my catalytic converter is smoking. Really stumped here.

How to make a fuel gauge read more fuel then what's in it?

I snuck out and went driving around last night just to have fun, my dad rarely drives it since it's my car but I think he will notice I used 1/4 of the tank, how can I make it read just a little more than where it's at to make it believable? It's a 2002 Honda accord. I really don't want to put gas in it because I'm broke for right now In between jobs.