Headlights on my 1995 honda are not working, i've tried everything?

I own a 1995 honda accord and my front headlights are not working. The high beams work, turn signal work and I went through all the fuses and changed the bulbs. Still the head lights do not work. My father thinks it is the relay RC-2225 but before I drop the money for that part I wanted to know your thoughts.

New starter, alternator and battery but I still have trouble starting my car?

I have a honda accord, 110,000 miles. The battery, alternator and starter test good but half the time I try to start my car it will not start. It will click multiple times, the i try again and it starts. The clicking happens if I drive about 10 minutes and then turn off the engine and try and start it again 5-10 minutes later.

Knocking Noise under drivers side?

I drive a 1997 Honda Accord and I have recently noticed a hard loud knocking under the drivers side door, almost where the wheel is, it speeds up when I do and slows down when I do, it has 160k miles and is in great mechanical condition other than that, breaks are new etc.

What to do when mechanic doesn't fix problem, twice?

Ok, I know NOTHING about cars.
I have a manual 1991 Honda Accord. I had a code 17, and 12. The EGR and speedometer. It also needs to be smogged.
It had trouble starting. I had a friend put in a new battery for free.
So I drive it to smog shop and it dies right as I get there. The smog guy removes a big tube and sprays stuff into it which causes my car to somewhat try to start and he tells me he thinks it might be the fuel pump. So I take it to a mechanic and tell him the symptoms. I get it back a couple days later and he tells me he replaced the fuel pump and filter. COOL. I try to drive to the smog shop again. My car begins surging like never before then continuously dying. UGH,
Back to the mechanic. He fixes the wonky speedometer and something else I can't remember (someone else has the paperwork currently) I get my car back a couple days later. Starts and runs like a dream! I drive to the smog shop again, and the guy loads it onto the dinosaur. As it begins the test. It dies. It will not start again until it has cooled down.
I try driving home, but it dies halfway and I pull off to the side. I wait, start it again and drive it the short distance home all while it's yearning to die, the stick is now giving me difficulty shifting and I smell burning. What the heck? What do I do? I never thought I'd take my car to a mechanic Twice and still get it back dying! I feel like he didn't do a full check, just took my word on the fuel pump and symptoms, help! I need it for school!

Added (1). PS: If it wasn't the fuel pump, wouldn't he have taken it out and noticed nothing was wrong with it and put it back, rather than charging me for the parts and labor of a new one? ($287 by the way) I've been watching youtube videos of guys doing this. Why replace it if it's not broken, and not the problem?

Added (2). I did not tell him to fix anything specific because as I said, i know nothing about cars, i simply gave him a list of the symptoms i experienced while driving the car. I did not tell him to replace the fuel pump, i just brought it in to be fixed for whatever the reason it was dying was. Which was not fixed as it is still dying… Sooo?

What's up with my car?

I have A 1998 Honda Accord, about 100xxx miles. When it is cold it lags to shift, and also when I'm not accelerating it slows itself down, feels like there's something holding it back from rolling at regular coasting speed. Still lags on shifting A little bit when warm. Don't know any trusted mechanics in my area so any input is greatly apprecaited.