Affordable car insurance?

I'm 18, and I'm in college. My dad pays car insurance for his 2 cars and my sisters car (which frustrates me bc she can barely drive and can't park) and I doubt he ll pay for mine. I have 1000 saved and I'm using 500 to buy my dads friend 1990 Honda accord but I can't drive without car insurance. Ill be working all semester and in the summer so I want to pay for insurance. Most places charge teens a lot and that s understandable because we're first time drivers, but is there a way I can get something affordable? Maybe 50$ a month or 100$. My dads insurance covers him for everything, I don't want that. I want insurance just to have it, nothing special.

My car is slow cranking

I drive a 2007 Honda Accord. Something obviously keeps draining my battery. I fail to believe that Autozone has given me this many bad batteries. I've only had this battery for 2 weeks. This is my 4th battery this month. Every time i get it tested at AutoZone they tell me the battery is bad. I checked for about a whole week after getting this one and the battery was fine. So i stopped getting it checked so much. I went to a mechanic shop to get a parasitic drain test but they said that i should be fine and didn't want to take my money if nothing wasn't wrong with the battery at the time. It's been 20 degrees for 2 days and my engine is beginning to take longer and longer to start (Like all the other times i've noticed). I have nothing unusual hooked up to my battery. I have my amp and sub unplugged so thats taking no power whatsoever from it. I'm leaving no lights or nothing on. But something is pulling my battery and i don't know what. I will take it to the shop in the morning but does anybody have a clue of what could be going on?

Added (1). I also had my charge system checked and it all has tested good as well.

My Honda Accord won't start?

I have a Honda Accord 1998. This all started after I changed the alternator belt. My car was making a weird screeching sound and my mechanic told me that it was the alternator belt, so we changed it. A week after doing that my car would stop whilst being driven. It wasn't the battery seeing as everything would turn on fine. So we took it in and the guy told us it was a sensor (i don't know what) but he changed it and he told us it was the transmission so we changed that as well.

The dang car still turned off while driving it, so we changed the spark plugs and the EGR valve. It was up and running finally! Until today… It stopped on me again. My dad thinks it's the catalytic converter because the check engine light has been on since we got it back from changing the EGR. Please if anyone knows what's it happening I need to know. I'm the only provider of my family and this car is the only one we have.

Need help choosing what audio/speakers to put in new car

Just got a 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee, used to drive a 2015 Honda accord but wanted something for the winter. The sound and bass output from the accord compared to the 2005 jeep is very noticeable. Everything is stock in the jeep, looking to put in a new radio, sub woofers and amp possibly? Looking on the cheaper end, my budgets probably $500 for everything together. Radio doesn't need to be fancy or touchscreen, just have Bluetooth. Mostly looking fore the best bass output for the best price possible, but i want it to all last so not the cheapest stuff you can find. Please link me things. Id really appreciate it.
Also need to know where to go to get everything installed? I'm good with electronics but never wired anything to a car so rather get it done professionally.

What to do with a car loan when the car has fail?

So I've purchase this car which is 5 years old a 2012 Honda Accord exl v6 coupe in 2017, I purchase it from a local dealer but it's not a certified pre owned. However I bought the car "As is" in August 2017 and it has fail in December 2017 long story short it needs a new engine cost almost $5000 the mechanic says everything comes to $4827 plus it need suspension and a lot more it has 122,803 miles should I voluntary reposses it or what I'm in a bad situation I owe 7,287 on the loan what to do?

Oil change liters of new car for the 1st time?

I want to know that how many liters of oil in Honda Accord touring 2017. I changed at 7700 miles for my 1st time, but when take out the oil was only 1.5 - 2 liters.
Is that normally or my oil had lost some because of what?
Anyone have an idea or know what to do?