Is car insurance cheaper the older the car is or what?
Just doing some quick research. It will be liability for a 1991 Honda Accord. Under parents name.
Just doing some quick research. It will be liability for a 1991 Honda Accord. Under parents name.
Seller is asking for $1,200. Kelley Blue Book values it at $1,087. Owner said the right front shock may need to be replaced soon. Needs an antenna for the radio. And the cable for the hood latch needs to get fixed. 166,000 miles on it. Is it worth it?
I'm getting my g2 licence next month and and looking to buy my first car. I wanna buy something used but not too old. I'm thinking of buying a Honda Accord 2013 model but i don't know if I'm being realistic. I make $2000 dollars a month.
So I went to the mechanic because my car was hard to start in the morning and I ended up getting a new distributor and a cap. It ran fine and he recommended that I put clear gas in and get fuel injector cleaner. I was full on gas so I waited until I was about 1/4 tank then I filled up with clear gas. It ran well to the gym but when I got out, it took 15 minutes to get it started and it wouldn't idle.
My 1986 Honda Accord won't want to start after trip to mechanic? - 1
I'm 16 years old and i my father agreed to buy me a car, i want a 2016 Audi SQ5 which i found a good deal for it, it isn't even that much money. But his idea of getting me a car is a 2002 Honda Accord off of craigslist. I'm pissed off because of this. 2002 is too old. What should i do? I'm crying. Should i just bother him until he buys it? I'm going crazy.
I recently took my car in to Meineke for some starter issues and he checked all my connections and it was doing fine, but I do need a new starter apparently. But I'm worried he bumped something when checking the connections. Now when I start the D4 light is blinking and doesn't stop. Is it my transmission or a connection of some sort? When I try to drive it's like it barely accelerates.
I need to replace the oxygen sensors on a 2007 Honda Accord-any suggestions as to what parts or/and labor cost?
So I have a 99 Honda Accord that recently wouldn't (or would barely) start. The lights would come on and the car would click but it wouldn't turn over (I think that's the right term). I got it to start eventually and AutoZone said that it was the starter. This car has a bunch of leaks too and I'm pretty sure the transmission is about to go out on it (when leaving a parking spot it sometimes just coasts out and won't kick into gear/get umph). I'm thinking it's time for me to just get a new reliable car and not spend any more money on this (I've spent at least 800 this year on breaks, radiator hoses, etc.). I think I'm done. But I can barely afford a new car payment. It would have to be a used car under 10,000 if I get another one. What would be smarter?
Okay so I just bought an 88 Honda Accord 5 speed. I love it! The guy before me maintained it really well and it drives great. The engine looks good and everything on it is awesome. One problem though that he said he never figured out and neither can I. He was an older guy so and didn't have much time for the car anymore so I'm sure he didn't look that far into it. In the morning, and after the car has been cooled down for a few hours, when I start it, it won't stay on. I have to start in first gear and drive it instantly for it to stay on until it warms up and then it gives me no problem. What could this be. I though maybe a spark plug but the guys said he had it tuned recently and I also get regular oil changes. It's not a big deal for now but I worry about the winter when it's time to warm it up how will I keep it on.