How many miles and years can my 2012 Honda Civic last?

I have a 2012 Honda Civic that I recently purchased from carmax
I'm a college student and wanted to know how long my car would last me. I have 93k miles on it now. I drive about 40 miles a day from school to work. I wanted to know how many years would my car last and how many miles I can get out of my car. I do oil changes on time

Loud clicking/thunk noise when shifting from reverse to drive?

I recently bought a used 2012 Honda Civic. After buying the car I realized it had transmission issues because between 1-3 rpms the transmission would shake/vibrate. It ended up being the torque converter. The Honda dealership did the transmission work. Now I have noticed if I put my car into reverse and back up then put the car into drive and release the brake after releasing the brake the front end of my car will make a clicking/thunk noise. It is louder when I'm on a steep incline, but it does do it on level ground and small inclines.

Help me figure out why my car is smoking so much?

I have a 99 honda civic 4 cylinder maunel and my exhaust keeps smoking a lot. I changed my head gasket, did a tune up and oil change and it still smokes just a little less smoke but it smokes. Someone told me it could be the oil rings but i just need more help on this. Any suggestions on what to check out for that?

8th Gen Civic Owners

This weekend, i'm going to be looking at a 2007 Civic Coupe LX with 175k miles. It is a manual transmission. The asking price is 3500 but i'm going to try to talk him down to 3200. Should I buy it if everything looks good? Originally I wanted a Civic from the year of 96-2000 because the motors are so cheap. Keeping in mind, if i purchase this 07 Civic, I plan on keeping it for a long time. My question is, should I get it and what are things to look for when I go check it out and what type of maintenance will it require? I know that they have timing chains so some of my worries went away. Lastly, are they reliable cars? I know Honda has a great rep for going past 250k miles but I was just wondering how good 8th gens are.